The ladies of the MuMu team have been hard at work pumping out quality blog posts in Japanese while I've been staying occupied... um... being occupied...
So, I thought it was high time I made my blogging debut.
You may notice that this blog is not in Japanese. (If you hadn't noticed this yet, wowzer.) I'm the only native speaker of English on the MuMu team and, therefore, plan on contributing blog posts exclusively in my native tongue. **Feel free to make comments or contact us in English and/or Japanese, however, as nearly all of us are fluent in both.**
On to the meat!
My experience with essential oils began with the purchase of cheap peppermint from a large retail store based and operating here in Japan. When I used it, it was refreshing, but didn't agree with me for some reason. I quickly turned my nose up at essential oils, shrugging them off as another gimmicky marketing scheme. Fast forward a few years and I'm wearing a aroma oil pendant around my neck every day while conducting English lessons. Why the change in heart? Basically, I've been introduced to quality essential oils and notice a big difference in the way I react to them. That cheap bottle of peppermint I bought years ago is still sitting in a drawer in my apartment. When I smelled/compared it side-by-side with the Young Living peppermint oil, I noticed a huge difference in the scent it gave off and the reaction I had immediately afterward. The cheaper stuff was noticeably sweeter smelling and didn't quite register as peppermint in my mind. It was more like mint candy. Yet, mint candy isn't peppermint. And if you're going to buy an 'essential oil', shouldn't that oil consist only of the essence of its namesake?
Essentially, (see what I did there?) if I'm going to spend my time, energy, and money dealing with something that can have a powerful effect on my body and well-being, I'd like to know that what I'm dealing with is pure, quality, and reputable. I believe that the others here at MuMu share this sentiment. Which is why we don't play around with cheap essential oils to use in our soaps. We use these soaps ourselves and have experienced the benefits of using them in our own lives. Which is why we recommend them to others.
I'd like to add that I'm the mastermind (heh) behind MuMu Men's Blends. I have an earthy sense of style and think that it comes out in the soap I develop. As much as I enjoy stopping to smell the roses, I'd much prefer not to walk around smelling like them. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." So far, the Men's Blends have been based on cinnamon, bergamot, and other citrus. I'll be experimenting and adding more to the lineup soon.
Here are the first two offerings of the Men's Blends lineup:
Please, feel free to contact me with recommendations, questions, comments, or concerns regarding anything you read here on the blog or related to MuMu and I'll do my best to get back to you quickly. I cannot guarantee an intelligent response, but will do my best. I'm only human, you know.
Thank you for reading! I hope that you can enjoy the benefits of using MuMu soaps yourself. I'm looking forward to developing new concoctions of aromas, shapes, and colors for you (and me) to try. It's pretty fun stuff!
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